We don't actually work out. We just play on the equipment. I hope the owners don't see this.
This week we changed up our schedule somewhat by meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday instead of Mondays. No problem. Two good WODs, accomplished. Just in time for Saturdays Big Day. Kirkwood RFC V. Parkway. Spring 2010 season opener!
Tuesday we hit it hard with a team WOD, however, this time teams were decided based upon the results of a Mini-WOD, composed of a two minute max effort air squat. Teams were then selected by pairing top Mini-WOD ranks with lowest and working towards the middle of the pack. The WOD then consisted of two rounds of row for max calories, max KB swings, and max Cleans in two minute periods spaced by one minute of rest.
Tuesday's 2minute max routine & results
For Wednesday, lifting heavy things was mood of the day; Crossfit Total was the result. The Crossfit Total calls for max lifts in three exercises: Deadlift, Back Squat, Overhead Press. We tackled the WOD in that order, and I would like to say, I am definitely pleased with the form, attention to detail and instruction, and willingness to Go Heavy. It may seem like a straightforward WOD, but maxing out is no easy task. After all, the idea of maxing out lends itself to just that, get your hands on the bar, and give it all you have, drop the weight, and feel the pump! (Reference to Pumping Iron w/Arnold, check it out on google video if you have not seen it, really quite a stomp to watch)
CF Total Results: Note the #325 Crowd on the Deadlift!
Come Ready to play Saturday for it will be a glorious day!
To check out more pictures from the gym, check out Kirkwood Coaches on Facebook
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