Friday, December 12, 2008

12 December 2008 - - Fran


For Time Perform The Following For Time...

21 - 15 - 9

Thrusters 95#

Scale as necessary. Post time and performance to comments.

Sent from my iPhone


Sam said...

Squat Workout:

After 5 rounds, Herbie maxed at 105 pounds. We decided to go into bonus rounds because he was crushing them. Herbie maxed at 145 pounds in round 7.

I maxed out at 145 pounds through 5 rounds, then decided to attempt a bodyweight bonus round at 175 pounds. This failed miserably.

Am looking forward to fran

Brett said...

Glad to hear how the front squats went. I like the idea of bonus rounds, good work. We will come back to this one soon so Sam don't worry about your missed bw squat. Good work Herbert.

Good Luck on Fran. Go hard and Don't leave anything in the tank.

Brett said...
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Brett said...

Herbie: 18:30 @ 65# & Jumping Pullups

Sam: 14:45 Rx'd