Wednesday, February 3, 2010

04 February 2010


Brilliant, I hope everyone enjoyed todays workout, I sure did.  We have built up over the past month a familiarization with many different exercises.  I have been saying quite repeatedly, just about all of the movements we do in the gym... explosive hip extension is key.  Squats, Swings, Jumps... Cleans & Jerks... Powerful quickness... Tackling, Rucking etc.  Clean & Jerks are one of the best exercises to develop this and the WOD today demanded development.  I am very proud of the execution and intensity everyone had today with the workout. 

Partner WOD:  Four 3minute Rounds w/1minute Rest in between rounds of...

9 Deadlift
6 Cleans
3 Push Jerk

One person performs the above and upon completion he rests while the partner performs the exercise reps.  When both members complete their reps this counts as one round.  Perform as many rounds as possible within each three minute round. Scale as necessary. 

The prescribed weight was 95#, well done for those that completed as prescribed!

The Tally
The First Crew: Post WOD

Lets hope the hard work pays off; First match this weekend...

KWRFC V. Priory

Nothing To It!

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